About Company

Our Leadership

Sharang Natu

Mr Sharang G. Natu

Under the strong and dynamic leadership of our mentor Mr Sharang G. Natu (Founder & Managing Director), our company has successfully executed a number of prestigious refrigeration projects covering almost all the applications of Refrigeration.

Mr. Natu gained crucial experience in refrigeration projects while working with pioneer refrigeration companies prior to starting his own business. Working as a Mechanical Engineer for more than 35 years in this field has contributed to his versatile experience in designing and completion of refrigeration projects. 

He has also shouldered the responsibility as a President of the Indian Society of Heating, Refrigeration & Air-conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE) Pune Chapter. 

Taking Refrigeration,
to the next level

Email: refconengg@gmail.com

Ph: 020-24213276 / 24217584